Panasonic Lumix GX80, GX85 for street photography
Why I switched from Nikon full frame cameras to Micro Four Thirds system?
First of all I would like to explain it to you. Yes! I finally ditched my Nikon full-frame camera. Yes! I don't regret that at all! I will try to explain you why in my opinion Micro Four Thirds system is best for me and maybe for you.
Main reason I decided to write this post is to tell you Guys is this camera the right one for street photography. Well... Of course it is. It is small, it is light and it doesn't make you look like a pro photographer in a war zone. I noticed that when I am taking pictures on the street, people don't even notice me. I had the opposite feeling when I was shooting Nikon DSRLs. I always felt that other people are trying to read a label on my camera to check what model I am using. I was so annoying but luckily it is over.
To sum up, this camera is perfect in my opinion for the purpose of street photography, but not only this. I am using it also on weddings and believe me I am able to make picture I would never get with DSRL as people do know know I am pro photographer, they think I am ordinary guest. That gives me a lot of new opportunities.
Wedding photography kicked my ass!
Actually it kicked my back! I am doing wedding photography for many, many years and lately I started to have some problems with my back. I was trying to reduce the weight of my Nikon system, but couldn't decide which gear should be left at home. I always felt like I going to need every lens and flash that I have. So the wedding bag was always full. Decision has to be made. Time for changing the whole system. I always thought that Nikon will come up with some mirror-less alternative. So I waited and waited. Nikon didn't fulfill my dreams unfortunately and I had to find an alternative.Than Panasonic came up as I was searching for the smallest and lightest system with decent image quality.My back said "THANK YOU!"
I was totally surprised how this system is light. I managed to reduce the whole weight about three times and now all my gear fits to a small camera bag. Tenba DNA 8, the smallest model available. And still I can fit there camera, two favorite lenses, flash and some additional stuff like batteries and SD cards. Believe this is great relief!
How about street photography?
To sum up, this camera is perfect in my opinion for the purpose of street photography, but not only this. I am using it also on weddings and believe me I am able to make picture I would never get with DSRL as people do know know I am pro photographer, they think I am ordinary guest. That gives me a lot of new opportunities.
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